Sarah’s Surprise home birth by Eurecia Matthews

surprise home birth

I was so excited to receive my sister in Christ’s surprise home birth story! She had told me months ago that she wanted to share it and had not heard from her til now. My favorite messages to wake up to are women sharing their guest posts for HeavenlyTreasure Blog! Sis Reece said to me: … Read more

Benjamin Levi’s Birth Story: born stargazing! 

Powerful birth mama Amber shares her beautiful birth story of her son Benjamin Levi! He surprises everyone with a quick labor even though he was posterior-stargazing, what and amazing birth story!     Benjamin Levi Gordon was born at 1:39 on Monday, September 24th. He was 7 lbs. 7 oz, 20 in. long, and had … Read more

My Journey: Danielle Welniak’s Birth Story

My Journey By: Danielle Welniak I will admit that I did not plan to get pregnant at 22 years old and I believe that no one can truly prepare you for the process of pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood. It is a journey that each woman experiences differently, and a journey that never ends. My journey … Read more