Meditation for Mommas


At a recent Postpartum Mama Circle we attended, our host DeAnna Alvarez, posed a question for us to think about and share together.

The question was about change. How have we experienced it and how can we promote change?

The exact question she posed I can’t remember that well. Listening to the mama’s answers and being a part of this group of such different women and the feelings it brought me I do remember!

Although we are so different, by age, how many children we have, our nationalities, etc. etc. we are the same in so many more ways. Its difficult to see as we are blinded by our own blurred perspective and thoughts. As we sat there talking the similarities are more and more apparent. We are all raising children. We are all confronted by the same struggles everyday. Not only the struggles but also the beauties in mamahood. We all feel the same when our babies cry, the helplessness, the love. We have all shared the same tears of joy, frustration, sadness and anger.

I praise the Lord that we have he opportunity to unite and share these changes in our lives. Truly unite. I’m grateful to have been a part of this gathering and many others where we have come together to be understood and breathe in this fresh air of knowing.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

The beauty for me was that when my turn had come to speak it was time for me to head out. My time in this circle was spent listening, observing, and receiving. I’m grateful for this because I was truly able to do just that: listen, see, and receive.

The message could not have been any clearer!

We are in constant change. Ebb and flow…God’s flow. Change is constant and thus, inevitable. If we are in the present moment, then, we are in constant change. Being in this flow, we let go, we are a part of the change. Trying to control produces no good fruit, only anxiety and frustration, anger and strife.

There is a choice we can make to be in His will, flow, where there is Peace in His Trust and Truth. We are united as we let go for Him to use us. Released from the bondage, instead we will be part of the process for this change. As the rhythm of breathing in and breathing out, we can be in tune to His will, united in Peace and Truth. Free to live in every moment, present and aware with  all senses to the physical in the spiritual. With the Most High, within ourselves, and with others. Open our eyes to see, extend our ears to hear and listen, lengthen our touch to all within and around and the invisible; taste and know that it is good; smell and know, remember where you are: now!


  We go through many changes as mamas. Be in the present and all will be well you will see. This message I share also to be absorbed not only postpartum but through pregnancy and birth as well. Easier said than done, I know, it can be done!


You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3

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