7 Purim Activities for Children

Purim activities, fun for children

Here is a peek at our Purim activities! Leading up to any of the Biblical feasts, we read the stories together, simplified for children of course. We also find children’s videos online of the animated version of the story. So for Purim we read parts of Esther and watched a children’s animation YouTube. Doing these things got our 5year old more excited about Purim and the actual feast!

Our 2 year old is too young to understand still so he’s easy to please for now. Jas on the other hand wants to know more and do more. We want to feed off her excitement! Her excitement helps her learn more and desire more which is so great for learning bible stories and lessons we can pick up from them.

We decided it would be great to have an activity-filled Purim this year.
Purim is about celebrating a nations salvation, Esther being used by God, and answered prayers! We look forward to a time where we will also have salvation, knowing we can be used by The Most High, and that He answers our prayers!


7 Activities!

We picked 7 activities to fill our day. I am posting this before Purim so later on you will have to check our Instagram or Facebook to see the before and after!

1. Purim Banner

Made out of repurposed goods! Reused a cardboard roll that came in some furniture packaging. It’s a sturdier one than regular paper towel roll, just some FYI.

They kiddos had fun painting, they painted their own toilet paper rolls as well just for fun! Get creative with the colors and style. Show us you final project!!!Purim activity


2. Children’s Book of Esther

Again, repurposed materials! First we watched many videos together on the story of Esther. So Jas helped color and pick what each page would say. It’s a verryyyy simplified version of the story.

Children's book esther


3. Decorating Crowns

Crowns are always fun. Then when they are done decorating them, they can role play the story as you read it. Here is a photo of the plain crowns I’ve prepared for them to decorate, clean slate!


4. Beads!!!

Jas loves beads. It will be a treat for her since we rarely bring them out. Little brother gets too wild with them! We have some ideas of what we’d like to make. I can’t wait to see how the headpiece will come out.


5. Treasure Hunt

For children, gift giving is the super exciting part of Purim! We are going to make it more exciting by hiding their gifts and giving them picture clues to go treasure hunting!

Treasure hunt


6. Myrrh Bath

For bedtime bath we will save the best essential oil there can be. And we will tell about how Esther and the brides bathed in Myrrh for six months! Want to learn more about Myrrh, click here!


7. Brownie baking!

We have posted this recipe previously here, so check it out! Have fun teaching them measurements! Celebrating Biblical feasts can teach them so much.

Gluten free brownie

Have fun!

Hope these ideas have inspired you to make this year’s Purim super special for your children! Above all, have fun! Remember the Purim activities don’t have to be perfect masterpieces in the end. It’s to help our children embrace the biblical feasts and have fun learning and playing!

7 Purim activities


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